Foam Wound Trainer Block with Bandage

Foam Wound Trainer Block with Bandage
Foam Wound Trainer Block with Bandage
Did you know that the European Resuscitation Council (ERC) First Aid Guidelines 2015 state that when direct pressure cannot control severe bleeding, haemostatic dressings and tourniquets are to be used?
This foam wound trainer block provides an excellent budget solution for trainers who want to demonstrate how to effectively pack a wound with a Haemostatic dressing.
Complete with a large Relicrepe bandage, the trainer block has two different wound shapes cut out to create the ideal demonstration platform for Haemostatic dressings and how they should be used.
1x Relicrepe Large Stretchable Bandage (10cm x 4.5m)
1x Foam Wound Trainer Block *Colour of foam may vary*
*Please note - the Foam Wound Trainer Block is made to order and can take up to 4 weeks to complete.