Family Manikin

Family Manikin
Realistic, quality CPR training in one package - the new Little Family Pack.
Realistic, quality CPR training
in one package - the new Little Family Pack QCPR. Reflects the realistic
anatomical differences between an adult, a child and an infant. All these
manikins include in-built technology to provide real-time feedback chest
compressions and rescue breaths!
Pack includes:
1 x Little Anne Manikin QCPR.
1 x Little Junior Manikin QCPR.
1 x Little Baby QCPR.
3 x Training Mats.
2 x Little Anne airways.
2 x Little Anne manikin face
2 x Little Junior airways.
2 x Little Junior manikin face
6 x Little Baby airways.
1 x Little Baby face.
3 x Directions for Use.
1 x Little Family Pack carry
Available in light or dark skin.
Check compatibility of the QCPR
Instructor and QCPR Learner apps
QCPR Instructor app works with:
Android version 7 and upwards
iOS version 11 and upwards
QCPR Learner app works with:
Android version 5 and upwards
iOS version 9 and upwards
The QCPR Instructor app and QCPR
Learner app cannot both be connected to the manikin at the same time.
**iPad not included**