Ph/Mv Simulator for all control systems - 1m cable/BNC connector

Ph/Mv Simulator for all control systems - 1m cable/BNC connector
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Professional Pool & Spa Meters
Sometimes it is difficult to recognise whether a particular malfunction is due to the meter or the electrode.
By simply connecting the HI-931001 to your meter's input socket and turning the dials, pH readings can be simulated from 0 to 14 pH in 0.01 steps. The output signals all correspond to pH values at 25°C and your pH meter should be able to check the span of your pH meter.
For the mV range, the HI-931001 can simulate output from -1000 to +1000 mV in 1 mV steps.
Key features
- Simulate output to discover malfunctions
- Provided with universal BNC connector
- Simulate temperature
Supplied with
- HI-7858/1 connection cable with BNC/BNC coaxial cable