PH/ORP controller with internet, flow cell, electrode and complete installation kit. 50mm

PH/ORP controller with internet, flow cell, electrode and complete installation kit. 50mm
Pool & Spa Chemical Controllers
BL122 is designed to maintain constant pH and disinfectant levels in swimming pools, spas and hot tubs, and offer the added benefit of allowing remote connection and access to devices via the Hanna Cloud web app.
These controllers are available in two configurations. The basic version is the in-line model which allows for direct installation of probe and chemical injection fittings into existing piping. A panel mounted version with a bypass flow cell is also available. The bypass flow cell allows for calibration and maintenance of the probe without having to shut down the recirculation pump.
For compliance monitoring, BL122 has a built-in datalogger. Measurement readings are logged every 10 seconds with a new log starting for each new day or when the instrument is calibrated.
Logged data include pH, ORP, and temperature values, last calibration data, setup configuration, and any event data.
The chlorine level is measured based on the ORP or REDOX principle. An increase of the ORP value correlates with an increase of the free chlorine level. pH and disinfectant tests are made together for more efficient disinfection and control. The efficacy of sanitisers is dependent on a controlled pH value. The ORP value is the most consistent indicator of the sanitising effectiveness of the pool/hot tub or water treatment. Typically 650-750 mV at 7.2 pH indicates proper water treatment (all harmful bacteria are killed in less than 1s). pH and disinfectant tests are made using the HI-1036-1802 combined electrode installed in-line or in flow cell. To prevent the ground loop effects from causing erratic readings and damage to the system the electrode has a matching pin considered the ‘earth ground’ connection.
It was specially designed to detect the broken electrode based on a shifted isopotential value. The HI-1036-1802 uses an Ag/AgCl reference with 3.5 M KCl. The ORP values are referenced to it.
Three Display Modes
The versatile display of the BL122 allows for three display modes. The LCD can display all three parameters at one time, a 3-second cycle of single parameters, or a real-time plot screen with options for parameter selection, zooming, and log recall.
Keep Track Anywhere with Hanna Cloud Connectivity
Hanna Cloud is a web based application that connects you to measurement devices such as the BL122. Measurements and data storage are accessible from your PC, tablet or phone. Multiple registered devices may be connected to Hanna Cloud.
Measurements, trends, history, device settings, alarms and messages are transmitted to your “Dashboard” as your instrument measures and controls your process.
Multiple secondary users may also be added to your device account to monitor measurements and receive email or pop-up messages from your process device.
Hanna Cloud incorporates security for your personal information. We protect your information using technical and administrative security measures to reduce risks of loss or misuse. These include (but are not limited to), a secured connection, device identity registration, and password encryption.
Hanna Cloud
Configure your settings for cloud connectivity.
Hanna Cloud Options
Choose from Static or DHCP connection.
R-HOLD (Remote Hold)
The reagent pumps can be turned off using the Remote Hold feature from Hanna Cloud. They can be reactivated at the controller or through Hanna Cloud.
Measurement, alarm, hold and pump status are easily viewable.
Select which notifications you would like to receive.
Use a graph to view trends over the last 12 hours or change the time period.
Log history can be transferred as a PDF or .CSV.
GLP data is readily available.
ORP (Chlorine) Dosing Consent
Both pH and ORP meters are commonly used with swimming pools. With chlorine disinfection there is an inverse relationship between pH and ORP. As the pH level increases, the ORP level decreases. These meters utilize a dosing consent feature that will not dose chlorine until the pH value is first corrected since it is possible to have a low ORP value even though there is sufficient chlorine. The dosing consent feature prevents waste of chemicals and avoids having a higher chlorine concentration level than desired.
Acid and Chlorine Tank Level Inputs
The BL122 allows for a connection to an optional level controller. This input is used to disable the dosing pumps when there is no chemical left in the reservoir tank.
Peristaltic Chemical Feed Pumps
BL122 are equipped with two peristaltic dosing pumps with replaceable chemical resistant tubing that are proportionally controlled with adjustable flow rates. One of the pumps is used to dose acid or base while the other is used to dose chlorine. The effectiveness of the available chlorine, as determined by ORP, is inversely related to the water’s pH value.
Multi-coloured LED Indicators
BL122 offer multiple LED indicators for status, servicing, and pump operation. The STATUS LED changes colour based on operational state; a green LED means the water is within the desired parameter ranges, a yellow LED means that the controller needs attention, and a red LED identifies a problem in the system such as high and low pH, ORP and/or temperature readings. The SERVICE LED indicates attention is required by a service technician.
Automatic Proportional Pump Control
BL122 features proportionally controlled dosing pumps. Based on the sensitivity of the process to chemical addition, these controllers allow the user to adjust a proportional band.
This setting determines the amount of time that the pumps are dosing as a percentage of the deviation from the set point. For example, a large body of water will use a small proportional band; having a small band (e.g., 0.1 pH) will ensure the pumps are dosing more often when the reading is close to the set point. For smaller bodies of water such as hot tubs or spas, it is more useful to set a larger proportional band (e.g.,1.0 pH); when the reading is close to the set point, the amount of time that the dosing pump is on is minimal to avoid large swings of pH or ORP.
This valuable feature allows for very fine control in maintaining the desired set point.
Adjustable Flow Rate
The dosing pump flow rate is adjustable from 0.5 to 3.5L/h. Larger bodies of water require more chemical to be dosed than small bodies since it takes more chemical to see a change in the reading. The adjustable flow rate, like the proportional band, allows for better control in maintaining a desired set point.
ORP (Chlorine) Dosing Consent
Both pH and ORP meters are commonly used with swimming pools. With chlorine disinfection there is an inverse relationship between pH and ORP. As the pH level increases, the ORP level decreases. These meters utilise a dosing consent feature that will not dose chlorine until the pH value is first corrected since it is possible to have a low ORP value even though there is sufficient chlorine. The dosing consent feature prevents waste of chemicals and avoids having a higher chlorine concentration level than desired.
Acid and Chlorine Tank Level Inputs
The BL122 allows for a connection to an optional level controller. This input is used to disable the dosing pumps when there is no chemical left in the reservoir tank.
Programmable Alarm System
These controllers allow users to enable or disable the low and high level of alarms for all parameters: pH, ORP, and temperature. When an alarm is activated, all dosing will stop. The alarm system also offers overdosing protection, in that if the value is not corrected within a specified time interval then the meter will go into alarm status.
Automatic Logging
The readings for each parameter are automatically logged every 10 seconds. A new log is started each time the instrument is calibrated or at the start of a new day. Logged data includes pH, ORP, and temperature values, last calibration data, setup configuration, and any event data.
Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) refers to a quality control function used to ensure uniformity of probe calibrations and measurements.
GLP stores pH/ORP calibration information including date and time for pH/ORP sensors.
Hold Input
It is possible to connect a flow switch mounted in-line or a mechanical relay that is connected to the recirculation pump power source to the hold input of these controllers.
With no flow, or when no power is applied to the recirculation pump, the hold circuit will disable the dosing pumps. This will prevent any dosing of chemical when there is no movement of water in the system.
Multiple Configurations
BL122 swimming pool controllers are available in one of two configurations. The basic version is the in-line model which allows for direct installation of the probe and chemical injection fittings into existing piping.
A panel mounted version of these controllers with a bypass flow cell is also available. The bypass flow cell allows for calibration and maintenance of the probe without having to shut down the recirculation pump.
HI-1036-1802 Multiparameter Digital pH, ORP, Temperature Probe
The HI1036-1802 is a digital combined probe that measures pH, ORP, and temperature. This probe also incorporates a potential matching pin. The matching pin is considered the “earth ground” connection and is used to prevent ground loop effects from causing erratic readings and damage to the system.
The pH glass has been chosen to produce stable quick equilibration even in low conductivity waters. Additionally, the pH sensor is designed to produce a zero mV value near pH 4 (not pH 7 like typical pH sensors) that will stop the process control when the sensor is broken. A broken pH electrode that produces a mV value near pH 4 would produce an alarm state and disable any pump activated.
The ORP sensing surface is a large smooth surfaced platinum band that encircles the circumference of the temperature probe. It is referenced to Ag/AgCl reference electrode (3.5M KCl).
The ORP and pH sensors and reference electrode use a differential measurement technique which is known to stay in service and provide accurate measurements under adverse conditions that may cause conventional pH probes to produce erroneous measurements.
The HI-1036-1802 probe with its differential amplifiers greatly reduces inaccuracies caused by ground loops which may exist between process and instrument grounds. With the differential technique, a ground loop current will flow through the low impedance path of the matching pin thus providing immunity to the measurement signals. Additionally the probe converts these measurements to a digital signal to eliminate noise and static due to high impedance signals carried by cable.
The HI-1036-1802 with the BL122 pool controller helps to promote the health and safety of pool and spa water.
For BL123 models, three 4-20 mA analog outputs are available for users that wish to connect to an external chart recorder or datalogger to monitor any of the three measured parameters. The outputs are scalable, offering increased flexibility and better resolution as needed.
Hanna Cloud is a web based application that connects you to measurement devices such as the BL-122. Measurements and data storage are accessible from your PC, tablet or phone. Multiple registered devices may be connected to Hanna cloud.